Server Rules
Stay In Character At All Times[A]
If there is an issue or rulebreak, completely roleplay out the scenario, then submit a player report if needed. DO NOT break character/inform the player they are breaking a rule in game.
DO NOT do actions in game in order to bait others into breaking character.
OOC Usage [A]
OOC Chat and /Report in city should ONLY be used for issues that require an urgent response, like hackers, to communicate technical issues that could interrupt an RP scene (headset died, mouse unplugged, or other things that can’t be communicated in character) or for other RP related reasons, such as posting your flight plan for PD to see. For all other issues, use the Support section in Discord.
Server Restarts [A]
Roleplay shouldn’t be stopped or become less serious before a restart; it should continue as normal.
Green Zones [A]
Green Zones are locations where guns/violence are NOT allowed (law enforcement and whitelisted security are the exception to this rule).
If you go to a green zone during conflict RP as a way to avoid it, you are not protected by green zone rules. You cannot use a green zone to avoid RP.
Current Green Zones:
City Hall
Pillbox (all medical locations)
MRPD, Paleto PD (all police departments)
New Life Rule (NLR) [B]:
If you are downed and respawn at the hospital, your character forgets the immediate events leading up to being downed in the current scenario. You may NOT respawn if you’ve been advised that police or EMS are on the way to your scene.
You must try and contact medical help of some sort while incapacitated (unless you have been ocean dumped as a result of conflict RP. You must respawn at the hospital if you are ocean dumped).
You cannot use /EMS while downed and in an active RP situation (Example #1: You are in a shoot-out and go down, you cannot use /EMS. You must allow the other parties to finish their RP. Example #2: You are being chased and crash your vehicle and go down, you cannot use /EMS to get back up so you can get away. You must finish the situation as if you would if you really crashed your vehicle and were hurt.
Not Valuing Life (NVL) [B]
Not realistically fearing for your life when you are threatened with weapons or severe harms from other means.
Antagonizing gangs, police, or armed individuals for no character reason.
Inserting yourself into ongoing situations or shootouts between two groups or one group and the police.
Multiple Characters(from the same player) in one gang/group) [B]
Having multiple characters in the same gang is not allowed. In general, try to avoid creating multiple characters involved in the same story/scenarios who could use the same information to push their goals.
Criminal Activities [B]
Criminal activities are limited to 4 players max at a time (if there is only one officer online, that number decreases to 2).
Relaying information to or between characters (lookouts, radio communications) counts you as part of that scenario.
Choosing shooters/grinders over roleplayers is not acceptable.
Whenever characters are brought into police custody and a second group of four is formed to attempt a prison break or transport break, that second group is not allowed to intervene until the prison transport begins. Doing so with small weapons or unthought out plans is also NVL.
You cannot bait the police (crashing into their vehicles while they are conducting a traffic stop, harassing them to get them to chase you etc.).
Powergaming/Fail RP [B]
Talking/organizing/calling out locations after bleeding out.
Using a radio while handcuffed.
Finding the quickest way to make money, rather than roleplaying around the mechanic.
Driving at unrealistic speeds with no character reason over and over.
Government employees not obeying road laws.
Any act of corruption from an officer/government employee.
Powergaming/Fail RP [C]
Using mods that give you an unfair advantage (mods that add crosshairs for weapons, graphics mods that make it daylight permanently, graphics mods that hide or remove items like trees or dumpsters that other players would still see, etc.).
Combat logging (logging out during combat, while you’re a hostage/being robbed, etc.).
Exploiting (taking advantage of scuff/bugs).
Any other instance of using means not in game to gain an advantage, or not attempting to fit into the world in a sensible way (can either fall under [B] or [C], depending on the severity.
Attacking another player/group with a vehicle (vehicle deathmatch) without valid reasoning or initiation is not allowed.
Attacking/shooting another player/group without initiation or roleplay reason to do so is not allowed.
Metagaming [D]
Purposely using or relaying information that your character did not learn in game (Twitch Chats and Discord Channels included) to shape in-game roleplay.
OOC Contact [D]
Do NOT attempt to contact anyone from Discord or the city on ANY other form of social media, messenger, etc. without their consent. If you didn’t talk about adding each other outside of the server, then don’t do it. Respect everyone’s privacy.
Additional Rules
You are allowed to take anyone as a hostage, as long as they are not in a green zone.
The use of /me and /notes should be used as much as possible to help aid your roleplay scenarios.
You are NOT allowed to sell any vehicle for in game currency that was purchased through our Tebex shop.
Trying to recruit anyone from Devise for another server will result in a permanent ban.
Harassment of any kind is not allowed and will result in points and/or bans, including permanent bans, depending on the severity. Treat everyone with respect.
Harassing someone for reporting a rule break will result in a permanent ban.
Territory markers cannot be placed inside a building, behind a locked door, or inside a green zone. [A]
You cannot identify another character by their voice. [A]
Do not try to rob/hold up/kidnap someone while they’re in a game mechanic that takes away their vision or “hands.” This includes things like progress bars, UI’s like the bank, the MDT (visible with a tablet held by officers and EMS), etc. If the person knows you are there and is stalling for an extended period of time to avoid the situation (3 - 5 minutes), you can proceed with your scene or report them to Staff through a player report. [A]
Point System
Class A: Kick; if repeated, 4 hour ban and 5 warning points.
Class B: Kick; if repeated, 8 hour ban and 10 warning points.
Class C: 24 hour ban and 15 warning points.
Class D: 1 week ban and 20 warning points.
A - B Class get 1 warning.
If you reach 30 points, you will receive a permanent ban.
Devise Roleplay Staff reserve the right to make the final call on any and all situations, disputes, and reports.